Beijing Medical & Care Co., Ltd. (CRCS)
Profession & Experience Make Registration Easier
Beijing Medical & Care Co., Ltd. (CRCS), a famous third-party service provider of medical devices and clinical trial CRO. The company has specialized in medical device, IVD and cosmetics agent registration and relevant regulatory affairs research for over 18 years.
The company has a strong professional database of medical devices, a professional technical team familiar with product approval procedures, well versed in national regulations and policies; We can provide professional one-stop service for global medical device enterprises.
The company has provided professional services for hundreds of medical device enterprises around the world, completed thousands of related projects and processed tens of thousands of documents, which have been highly praised by customers. We will be more efficient, better quality service for our customers to provide authoritative medical device solutions, so as to help enterprises to grasp the product lead market opportunities.


Room 1009, Tower A, Longqin International Building, No. 168, Guang 'anmenwai Street, Xicheng District, Beijing
Company Introduction
The company specializes in medical device registration, in vitro diagnostic reagents registration, cosmetics agent service company, committed to the NMPA, CE regulation research and product registration and certification service has been more than 17 years.
Contact us
Beijing Medical & Care Co. Ltd.